Amazon Games

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

News - SWTOR E3 Cinematic

On this year's E3, EA released new trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic and all I can say about this new cinematic is OMFG!

The Trailer features Jedi Satele Shan and another unnamed Jedi, who is referred to by Satele as "master", fighting alongside a Smuggler and a Trooper. On the opposite side stands Darth Malgus and a Sith Inquisitor also referred to as "master" by Malgus.

Click past the cut for a full video.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Point of View - Fallen Earth

While playing Fallen Earth, a post-apocalyptic MMORPG by Indy developer SouthPeak Games my toon came across some drunk bikers at Invicta Bike Rally, weekly RP event at Beauville's Tavern in New Flagstaff. Since Invicta is a CHOTA gang I kept my distance being a Tech and all.

On a somewhat regular basis we bring you screenshots of interesting, beautiful or just plain weird moments in your favorite games. Send us a screenshot at our E-mail along with your name (ign or rl), name of the game and a short description and we will publish it here.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Feature: Fallout 2

"War. War never changes."* - The famous words every self-respecting RPG gamer knows!

With those words the epic franchise known as the "Fallout" started and those words are forever burned into my memory, along with the husky tone of Ron Perlman's narration. True the Fallout franchise has somewhat digressed from it's original form established by the first two games but that's neither here nor there. Today we are taking a look back to the one of the best RPGs of all time Fallout 2. So join me after the cut for a trip through the wastes.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

News - Witcher 2 Released!

  This Tuesday, may 17, 2011., was marked by a release of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings a long expected sequel to The Witcher, one of the best RPGs in recent years.

Click past the cut to find out more.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Point of View - Rift

To kick things off here is a nice screen of my rogue roaming through Freemarch, a starter zone in the newest big mmo Rift with his two trusted companions, an inquisitive hog unimaginatively named Hogger and a flaming pooch.

On a somewhat regular basis we bring you screenshots of interesting, beautiful or just plain weird moments in your favorite games. Send us a screenshot at our E-mail along with your name (ign or rl), name of the game and a short description and we will publish it here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Intro post - 1st Feature: Freelancer

Hi, I'm Moth and this is actually my first blog. I'm still learning the ropes so I hope you, dear reader, will bear with me through my learning process. :)
The purpose of this blog is, as the title says, to present a gamer's take on the various (mostly PC) games we play. Hopefully people reading these posts will gain some info on the game they are interested in procuring and gamers who own featured games will leave their valuable insight and share their experience.

As a start 1st featured game will be one of best space combat sims, at least imho, out there - Freelancer.

While it's not the revolutionary title it initially promised to be, Freelancer delivers the exact combination of addictive and accessible gameplay that the genre has needed for a long time. - Gamespot

As the writer on Gamespot said it's not a particularly revolutionary game but still it had a certain "something" special that had me coming back.

Continue past the cut to find out more.